Bob and Nookie sharing a bonding moment after which Nookie followed him all over the field, I stood watching and wondering why my animals show no loyalty to me when a man is on the scene.
Wednesday, 30 December 2009
Bob and Nookie sharing a bonding moment after which Nookie followed him all over the field, I stood watching and wondering why my animals show no loyalty to me when a man is on the scene.
Tuesday, 29 December 2009
Was super...........Di and Jim came over for Christmas day and brought the turkey and a trifle with them how cool is that, It was a very stress free and enjoyable day loads of food, booze and sweeties and the sun was shinning.
Picked Bob up Christmas eve from the airport and was very glad to see him, I don't think he believed me about the amount of snow we have had so I showed him the pictures, walking round the rain sodden, muddy fields with no hint of snow I felt very silly explaining why I had felt so trapped last week......Typical!!!
Picked Bob up Christmas eve from the airport and was very glad to see him, I don't think he believed me about the amount of snow we have had so I showed him the pictures, walking round the rain sodden, muddy fields with no hint of snow I felt very silly explaining why I had felt so trapped last week......Typical!!!
Tuesday, 22 December 2009
HAD A WOBBLE........
After the lovely snow on Friday.......... I had a bit of a wobble on Sunday. I think it was just one of those days when nothing goes right but when you are unable to get anywhere even a walk down into the village was impossible, not knowing when the snow would clear, Christmas looming the thought that Bob might not get home, the water being frozen, logs getting wet, Molly seemed to be more demanding than normal, filling haynets with freezing hands, mole hills popping up everywhere, tele being crap, I was seriously thinking of............................................
running naked in the snow and screaming feck off.
I had plenty of food for horse, dog and myself, heat, computer, booze, so gave myself a slap..... poured a large vodka and coke got me hot water bottle settled down watched tele and I ate all the Christmas sweeties.
Been shopping today and bought anything I wanted!!!!
running naked in the snow and screaming feck off.
I had plenty of food for horse, dog and myself, heat, computer, booze, so gave myself a slap..... poured a large vodka and coke got me hot water bottle settled down watched tele and I ate all the Christmas sweeties.
Been shopping today and bought anything I wanted!!!!
Friday, 18 December 2009
Its snowing here in the Dordogne...... I moved from Cumbria to get away from this, at least it's Christmas.
Molly's first snow she was poorly last year when it snowed and never got chance to experience it.
Tuesday, 15 December 2009
YEE HAW.....
It's happened............I got my arse on my ose and rode. It has been very cold the last few days and very windy but this morning it was calm, still cold but calm, Nookie seemed glad to see his tack and seemed a bit eager he jogged to the wall where I scrambled on board....... off we went to the gates Hmmmm.....I had not opened them so off I got, back up to the wall made it back to the gates, on to the road and away we went, past my dutch neighbours farm had a chat with anja, down the lane which is a bit stony but he coped fine, into the woods had a trot the ground not to hard in the woods then we came across some really rough stones so I got off and we picked our way through, found a big log pheeew scrambled back on again, past the apple farm down a lane that's all grass then back past anja's.......... home, out for about 40 mins. Apart from having a neck like emu and being as nosy as me! he seemed to really enjoy himself.
I enjoyed this morning but I was also so cold when we got back I will be thinking twice about going out tomorrow.
I enjoyed this morning but I was also so cold when we got back I will be thinking twice about going out tomorrow.
Monday, 14 December 2009
Thursday, 10 December 2009
Went to the horse groups Xmas lunch today with Di as mentioned on her blog the meal was a washout, being an eyes bigger than her belly sort of gal it didn't hit the mark! but as always we had a good laugh, discussed what we wanted from our horses or in my case do I even want one and generally took the psis...........I like days like this.
Wednesday, 9 December 2009
ONE WEEK ON..............
It has been nearly a week since Isla left and Nookie SEEMS fine I have been watching him closely. The weather has been horrible to say the least, grey and depressing with a lot of rain so I could hardly expect him to be whoop wooing around with a smile on his face. He has behaved no differently to when Isla was here: he greets me in a morning just the same, he waits at the gateway for his breakfast walks down to the shelter with me, he is eating his feed and hay, rolls in the same place, stands for his afternoon nap in the shelter, doesn't seem to have lost weight, he is doing nothing out of the ordinary............but he looks sad or is it me that's feeling sad for him? who knows!
Molly's story.............
The summer was nearly over and it was late September Molly was approaching 5 months old when I decided to go to the National Dressage Championships with a friend, she had a youngster at the Woodlander stud for grading and they were having a hospitality tent at the championships and she was invited for the Friday and Sunday, no problem with Molly John would look after her so off I went for a very posh horsey weekend.
I arrived home late Monday afternoon gave John a quick ring would it be ok if I picked Molls up problem.
She had been a good girl, slept in the stable with her brothers and had been a bit of a bully with Taz, my friend Steph had taken them all out for a 3 hr walk on the Sunday along with all the farm dogs, her own and boyfriends!..........7 in all, they even went swimming in the pond. Spent the whole morning telling her of my super weekend and she about how good all the dogs had been..............everything was good in the world!!
Molly's story.............
The summer was nearly over and it was late September Molly was approaching 5 months old when I decided to go to the National Dressage Championships with a friend, she had a youngster at the Woodlander stud for grading and they were having a hospitality tent at the championships and she was invited for the Friday and Sunday, no problem with Molly John would look after her so off I went for a very posh horsey weekend.
I arrived home late Monday afternoon gave John a quick ring would it be ok if I picked Molls up problem.
She had been a good girl, slept in the stable with her brothers and had been a bit of a bully with Taz, my friend Steph had taken them all out for a 3 hr walk on the Sunday along with all the farm dogs, her own and boyfriends!..........7 in all, they even went swimming in the pond. Spent the whole morning telling her of my super weekend and she about how good all the dogs had been..............everything was good in the world!!
Sunday, 6 December 2009
This is my favorite sequence in my favorite film made in the year I was born............. love the dress........the song...........and I think it has more sexual tension than any modern day film. well maybe the pottery bit in Ghost oh and the fridge bit in 9 1/2 weeks
Thursday, 3 December 2009
To Isla........she returned home today after another night of breaking the fence, she is obviously hungry and was leaving her hay to get to the tasty grass in my neighbours field. After feeding I drove straight to Debs and explained the situation and as luck would have it the horse box was in the yard delivering two old mares on their way to 2pm she was gone. I hope they find a good home for her it seems such a shame that she is surplus to requirements and I feel quite guilty that because it hasn't worked out here she is destined for who knows where.
Nookie watched and didn't seem to concerned then he had a little yee har moment, he has been calling her for the last hour, has stood in a torrential downpour we have just had and looks a little lost but at least he isn't galloping about.
Nookie watched and didn't seem to concerned then he had a little yee har moment, he has been calling her for the last hour, has stood in a torrential downpour we have just had and looks a little lost but at least he isn't galloping about.
Wednesday, 2 December 2009
Go away............... come back some other day, says it all really.
Lost my hay supplier this week, Anja has bought more cattle so needs all his hay.......siht poo siht poo fcuk fcuk.
French lesson....... siht poo siht poo fcuk fcuk.
Kobnhaed mare broke my fence......... siht poo siht poo fcuk fcuk
Then to cap it all the cash machine gave me a 50 euro note!!! when I wanted 2x20 1x10
New hay seems nicer and cheaper
Spent the 50 euros!!!
I now have two more reasons why the mare has to go.............. no hay and she broke the fence.
Hmmmmmmm........... feel better already.
Lost my hay supplier this week, Anja has bought more cattle so needs all his hay.......siht poo siht poo fcuk fcuk.
French lesson....... siht poo siht poo fcuk fcuk.
Kobnhaed mare broke my fence......... siht poo siht poo fcuk fcuk
Then to cap it all the cash machine gave me a 50 euro note!!! when I wanted 2x20 1x10
New hay seems nicer and cheaper
Spent the 50 euros!!!
I now have two more reasons why the mare has to go.............. no hay and she broke the fence.
Hmmmmmmm........... feel better already.
Friday, 27 November 2009
Bob arrived home and straight away worked through his list of jobs.......bless him, all finished by Sunday night we settled down in front of the tele, he had bought me a BIG fleecy dressing gown, raspberry in colour and I was all snuggled in when the wind seemed to get up, it was blowing from the west so was rattling our shutters I decided to close them for the night, Bob had his usual fag after supper stood at the back door watching molls, he remarked that the wind was getting worse...............back to our snuggle on the settee, the rain started. Within 10 minutes a figure loomed at the front door dripping was our dutch neighbour " your petite stable has blown into my field"
HELLS BELLS!!! it was our little metal shed trying to escape, the doors had blown open and off it went. We retrieved it from the fence and tree that had stopped it going further and after lashing it to the pickup we could do no more it seemed like a mini hurricane, at some point I thought I had better check the horses they were looking over and were ready for flight but soon ambled back into the shelters to get out of the wind and rain. In the blink of an eye my snugly chill out evening had turned into a catastrophe!
HELLS BELLS!!! it was our little metal shed trying to escape, the doors had blown open and off it went. We retrieved it from the fence and tree that had stopped it going further and after lashing it to the pickup we could do no more it seemed like a mini hurricane, at some point I thought I had better check the horses they were looking over and were ready for flight but soon ambled back into the shelters to get out of the wind and rain. In the blink of an eye my snugly chill out evening had turned into a catastrophe!
Saturday, 21 November 2009
The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid!
Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, if deosn't mttaer inwaht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae.
The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? Yaeh, and I awlyas thought slpeling was ipmorantt.
Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, if deosn't mttaer inwaht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae.
The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? Yaeh, and I awlyas thought slpeling was ipmorantt.
Friday, 20 November 2009
Bob home on Sunday hurray, His list of jobs is at 6 but they are all small so I hope the weather stays fine so he can enjoy his break it has been another beautiful day today. I still have some petunia's flowering their heads off which were bought at the end of June, they reminded me how lucky we are with the weather here and my thoughts went out to the people in Cumbria with the awful floods again, we lived in Penrith so know all too well how much it rains, it's such a beautiful part of the country but it never seems to have a summer. Last year every County/small agricultural show, two BHS events and Lowther driving trials were cancelled due to wet ground.........I hope none of that rain heads this way!!!!!
Anthony the farrier called today and it was a good exercise seeing how Nookie coped with Isla disappearing for 15 mins, Nks was first he was a good boy standing on my patio, Isla next.......Nks did his "I wish I was an arab" impersonation but soon calmed down and started grazing, job done........ Next was 2 two loads of washing I save it all up so it can go out on the line, then I had a mad couple of hours changing bedding and cleaning up it's funny but I was in the mood for cleaning.
Anthony the farrier called today and it was a good exercise seeing how Nookie coped with Isla disappearing for 15 mins, Nks was first he was a good boy standing on my patio, Isla next.......Nks did his "I wish I was an arab" impersonation but soon calmed down and started grazing, job done........ Next was 2 two loads of washing I save it all up so it can go out on the line, then I had a mad couple of hours changing bedding and cleaning up it's funny but I was in the mood for cleaning.
Wednesday, 18 November 2009
Lovely day today Just the right weather for doing something, started off frosty and foggy. As I was trudging round the field poo picking, the sun broke through so Nookie's breakfast snooze was disturbed with me showing him round the garden leading him up and down the drive and a good groom. It would have been a good opportunity to lunge but the ground is still too wet and I haven't really got anywhere only the front field which I don't want to trash yet.
After lunch I loaded up the pickup with bike and dog and off we went to RL again, it was peaceful and the only people we meet were a group looking for fungi...........well I think that was what they were doing!!!! they had baskets and were looking at the floor under the trees I cheerfully shouted bonjour as I whizzed by on the bike and they waved and shouted bonjour back.
Here is my day
After lunch I loaded up the pickup with bike and dog and off we went to RL again, it was peaceful and the only people we meet were a group looking for fungi...........well I think that was what they were doing!!!! they had baskets and were looking at the floor under the trees I cheerfully shouted bonjour as I whizzed by on the bike and they waved and shouted bonjour back.
Here is my day
Monday, 16 November 2009
Saturday, 14 November 2009
Not done much today Great!!!! Decided to take Molly to Ruffiac Lake she loves it there and so do I it is so peaceful, walking through the fallen leaves looking across the lake I began to sing All things Bright and Beautiful it just seemed appropriate.
Arriving at the beach Molls decided to go for a swim then she wanted her ball, she chased it all over the sand and I ended up with a wet stinking sandy dog Bless her! It took us 2 hrs to walk round today and I was puffing a bit so I think I had better start doing a bit more or I will end up more of a hefferlump.
Arriving at the beach Molls decided to go for a swim then she wanted her ball, she chased it all over the sand and I ended up with a wet stinking sandy dog Bless her! It took us 2 hrs to walk round today and I was puffing a bit so I think I had better start doing a bit more or I will end up more of a hefferlump.
Friday, 13 November 2009
Happy..... Happy...... happy...... happy talk
Talking about things you like to do.........
Surprise surprise I have pinched this idea from Trudi, start a post with a song relevant to your mood on the day, Good eh.
I had a fun day yesterday with Di at the boot fitting organised by the Horse Group, not that I am thinking of having boots on Nookie but I have an open mind and love to hear about everything, then I decide whether it's for me or not.
I really enjoyed the French girls talking English and the English talking French very surreal!!! But the best bit was.......... Pit Bull Clayton having a snap at a Canadian Mountie.............It was a Harry Hill moment........FIGHT!!!!! She handle herself brill and I was proud of her.
Friday: The sun has got his hat on hip hip hip hurray(I must stop this I need therapy) I left their rugs off today and watching Nookie grazing thought how well he was looking. I really must start doing something with him and as soon as Isla goes I will get going.........Hmmmmmmm
Talking about things you like to do.........
Surprise surprise I have pinched this idea from Trudi, start a post with a song relevant to your mood on the day, Good eh.
I had a fun day yesterday with Di at the boot fitting organised by the Horse Group, not that I am thinking of having boots on Nookie but I have an open mind and love to hear about everything, then I decide whether it's for me or not.
I really enjoyed the French girls talking English and the English talking French very surreal!!! But the best bit was.......... Pit Bull Clayton having a snap at a Canadian Mountie.............It was a Harry Hill moment........FIGHT!!!!! She handle herself brill and I was proud of her.
Friday: The sun has got his hat on hip hip hip hurray(I must stop this I need therapy) I left their rugs off today and watching Nookie grazing thought how well he was looking. I really must start doing something with him and as soon as Isla goes I will get going.........Hmmmmmmm
Wednesday, 11 November 2009
Saturday, 7 November 2009
Oh my goodness me, it's not stopped raining for the last week, the front of the stables are thick sloppy mud, not much I can do about it .......It reminds me of Rochdale and Eileen's.
Had a nice drive over to Di's on Monday and a whizz round in her alternative transport, I thought it was good fun, liked her new cat Tiger............did I just say I liked a cat!!!!!
Not really done anything with Nookie only change wet rugs and give him a human groom, he likes a good scratch from me and wiggles his top lip trying to groom me back.
Moved a fence line today, it makes Nookie's field larger and there was some tasty new grass to be had, then he tested the the electric fence for me WHY!! it did crack and off he went bucking, farting and snorting then slipped on his arse more bucking , farting and snorting but in between all this some lovely elevated trot work, hmmmmm need to give him a zap before schooling :-)
Thought for the day!...............................Life is awesome and sometimes hard. How giddy am I
Had a nice drive over to Di's on Monday and a whizz round in her alternative transport, I thought it was good fun, liked her new cat Tiger............did I just say I liked a cat!!!!!
Not really done anything with Nookie only change wet rugs and give him a human groom, he likes a good scratch from me and wiggles his top lip trying to groom me back.
Moved a fence line today, it makes Nookie's field larger and there was some tasty new grass to be had, then he tested the the electric fence for me WHY!! it did crack and off he went bucking, farting and snorting then slipped on his arse more bucking , farting and snorting but in between all this some lovely elevated trot work, hmmmmm need to give him a zap before schooling :-)
Thought for the day!...............................Life is awesome and sometimes hard. How giddy am I
Monday, 2 November 2009
Bob made a nice surprise visit on his way to Toulouse, he parked his truck at chalus and I picked him up Saturday morning, french law does not allow him to drive on Sundays so we had a lovely weekend and for once there was no immediate jobs to do so we just chilled, he had brought some goodies from the UK and we had egg and bacon butties on Warburtons thick toaster bread yummy!!! I don't really crave anything but they were just Soooo good and again on Sunday morning toast with loads of butter.
2nd rollo of hay delivered, moved it to the other side of the stables. Feeding two horses it has lasted me just 31 days and this one seems a bigger 20 euros I don't think that's bad.
Saturday night it started to rain and now its Monday night and it's pouring down, the fields are trashed especially at the front of the stables Hey Hoo another job for Bob.
MOLLY arrived at Bluebell House 1 week after I was conned into having her, John would not take any money, she was a present, he knew we would be moving to France soon and said I need a dog for company..............How right he was.... bless you John.
I was adament she would be an outside dog, we had a brick built shed at the bottom of the garden which made a super kennel, I had bought her the biggest bed with loads of playthings a big fluffy throw and a big teddy so she would be all snug. The first night on her own and she cried for about 30 mins I stayed near the kitchen door listening..........It absolutley pulled at the heartstrings and I was just about to go and rescue her when she stopped and she never cried again.
She seemed totally at home in the kennel and after about three weeks I did'nt need to put paper down, she was very easy to house train and to this day has only ever wee'd 3 times inside. It was July and we had good fun in the garden, she came upto the stables everyday with me travelling in the car was no problem and she soon became my dog .
2nd rollo of hay delivered, moved it to the other side of the stables. Feeding two horses it has lasted me just 31 days and this one seems a bigger 20 euros I don't think that's bad.
Saturday night it started to rain and now its Monday night and it's pouring down, the fields are trashed especially at the front of the stables Hey Hoo another job for Bob.
MOLLY arrived at Bluebell House 1 week after I was conned into having her, John would not take any money, she was a present, he knew we would be moving to France soon and said I need a dog for company..............How right he was.... bless you John.
I was adament she would be an outside dog, we had a brick built shed at the bottom of the garden which made a super kennel, I had bought her the biggest bed with loads of playthings a big fluffy throw and a big teddy so she would be all snug. The first night on her own and she cried for about 30 mins I stayed near the kitchen door listening..........It absolutley pulled at the heartstrings and I was just about to go and rescue her when she stopped and she never cried again.
She seemed totally at home in the kennel and after about three weeks I did'nt need to put paper down, she was very easy to house train and to this day has only ever wee'd 3 times inside. It was July and we had good fun in the garden, she came upto the stables everyday with me travelling in the car was no problem and she soon became my dog .
Friday, 30 October 2009
Did the deed yesterday and informed the owners I was not taking them up on their kind offer of loaning Isla, nothing was decided on her return....... she is welcome to stay until a suitable home is found for her.
The dentist has been today, Nookie's teeth were last seen to about 13mths ago he needed some rasping on his hooks which were a tad sharp but nothing drastic.... 60 euros.....ker ching......... Isla's turn a bit more work needed he advised me she had not been done for some time, he was doing his stuff and we were chatting about my dilemma with her and the reason she would not be ridden again, as you do!!!! he decided to just do enough to make it comfortable for her to eat...... another 60 euros........ker ching. After a good natter 2 cups of coffee off he went, waving goodbye I just thought Duuuuuuuuh why have I just paid for Isla. I DID LAUGH.
The dentist has been today, Nookie's teeth were last seen to about 13mths ago he needed some rasping on his hooks which were a tad sharp but nothing drastic.... 60 euros.....ker ching......... Isla's turn a bit more work needed he advised me she had not been done for some time, he was doing his stuff and we were chatting about my dilemma with her and the reason she would not be ridden again, as you do!!!! he decided to just do enough to make it comfortable for her to eat...... another 60 euros........ker ching. After a good natter 2 cups of coffee off he went, waving goodbye I just thought Duuuuuuuuh why have I just paid for Isla. I DID LAUGH.
Thursday, 29 October 2009
Wednesday, 28 October 2009
Should learn to stop after the 6th bottle of wine..............Had a really nice day at Trudie's lovely food good company and great discussion, which helped me make the BIG decision regarding Isla? I will not be taking up the offer of a long term loan Shame!! but I feel better already. I might go with the idea of a sheep.....At least Molly with have a job to do.
Tuesday....... 3rd French lesson nothing is fecking sinking in plus I only did half my home work, completely forgot to write 5 sentence's so I looked the knob head of the gold star for me. No lesson next week so double the amount of homework, we have to choose a subject and talk about it HELP! The paper work is fill in the blank with est-ce que or qu'est-ce que, I hope I will look back at this blog and laugh.......maybe not!!!
Had to put Nookies new fly rug on today it was so warm and sunny the flies were making them run in to the shelters, it fits him really well the neck has ear holes in so it doesn't slip down and a good fitting belly flap, so with his mask on he looks really daft Ooh and its silver and red.
Molly's Story.............
Molly is my 18mth old Border Collie bitch, I am writing this because she is asleep in my place in front of the tele, she is not really allowed on the furniture! and it upsets me when I remember why I allow her to be there.
She was born on May 2nd 2008 at Nord Vue Farm Carlisle in Cumbria, her mum was Jess she was not a good worker preferred to have her belly tickled than round sheep up, dad was Jim a very good sheepdog who worked everyday on the farm. Jess had 7 puppies Molly, Dolly, Taz, Ow, Indie, stumpy and patch, I saw them born and didn't really want a dog, but she obviously knew because she poo'ed on me, before they were 8 weeks old I came to France for a month in June, hoping they would all have been sold when I got back. In France I received a photo on my phone saying "I need a home Bev" from my friend Steph......Thanks Steph. when I returned home there were 3 pups left molly was one of them, still resisting the pleas to have her a couple came to see the last three pups, I was holding Molly when they said they wanted a bitch, John looked at me and I nodded....... he apologised and told them there was only the two boys left. be continued
Tuesday....... 3rd French lesson nothing is fecking sinking in plus I only did half my home work, completely forgot to write 5 sentence's so I looked the knob head of the gold star for me. No lesson next week so double the amount of homework, we have to choose a subject and talk about it HELP! The paper work is fill in the blank with est-ce que or qu'est-ce que, I hope I will look back at this blog and laugh.......maybe not!!!
Had to put Nookies new fly rug on today it was so warm and sunny the flies were making them run in to the shelters, it fits him really well the neck has ear holes in so it doesn't slip down and a good fitting belly flap, so with his mask on he looks really daft Ooh and its silver and red.
Molly's Story.............
Molly is my 18mth old Border Collie bitch, I am writing this because she is asleep in my place in front of the tele, she is not really allowed on the furniture! and it upsets me when I remember why I allow her to be there.
She was born on May 2nd 2008 at Nord Vue Farm Carlisle in Cumbria, her mum was Jess she was not a good worker preferred to have her belly tickled than round sheep up, dad was Jim a very good sheepdog who worked everyday on the farm. Jess had 7 puppies Molly, Dolly, Taz, Ow, Indie, stumpy and patch, I saw them born and didn't really want a dog, but she obviously knew because she poo'ed on me, before they were 8 weeks old I came to France for a month in June, hoping they would all have been sold when I got back. In France I received a photo on my phone saying "I need a home Bev" from my friend Steph......Thanks Steph. when I returned home there were 3 pups left molly was one of them, still resisting the pleas to have her a couple came to see the last three pups, I was holding Molly when they said they wanted a bitch, John looked at me and I nodded....... he apologised and told them there was only the two boys left. be continued
Sunday, 25 October 2009
I don't know where this week has gone............I have made no decision on Isla as I wanted to see if my feelings changed................They haven't. She is a shireX and is a big girl I don't think my fields can sustain two horses, not just the eating but the trampling and churning up of the grass. I know I am going to make the wrong decision. If Nookie could tell me he would be OK on his own, problem sorted! Hmmmmmmmm.
Saturday and today the chasse came across the newly harvested field at the front of the house the horses were really good they just watched with interest never bothered at the gun shot or the french guy who continually shouted at his badly behaved dog or the dogs with their bells on. I'm afraid I ran about like a headless chicken getting Mollie in.
Our temporary stables are working well as shelters. They have their breakfast and are shut in while I poo pick the fields, hay is ad lib so they pop in and out all day and if the weather is warm enough for flies, nks is in there for most of it. The next rollo of hay is going at the other side of the stables where bob cleared some brambles which will provide more shelter, I was worried about the hay standing outside but it's been no problem, the top is covered and if it gets wet on the outside it saves me having to damp down the dust.
Sticking with my Polly Anna attitude...............The clocks went back, dark nights are here again BUT I now know it's tea time. It gets to 9 - 10pm before I realise I need to be fed in summer.............very bad for my figure.
Have watched a very disturbing video this weekend, having never really liked dressage at top level it always seemed unnatural to me......... canter pirouette's pointless and not nice to watch when bad, not keen on piaffe always looks a strain, so to see the barbaric rollkur used till a horses tongue turns blue makes me feel quite sick.
Note to calender.......................cancel BD subscription
Saturday and today the chasse came across the newly harvested field at the front of the house the horses were really good they just watched with interest never bothered at the gun shot or the french guy who continually shouted at his badly behaved dog or the dogs with their bells on. I'm afraid I ran about like a headless chicken getting Mollie in.
Our temporary stables are working well as shelters. They have their breakfast and are shut in while I poo pick the fields, hay is ad lib so they pop in and out all day and if the weather is warm enough for flies, nks is in there for most of it. The next rollo of hay is going at the other side of the stables where bob cleared some brambles which will provide more shelter, I was worried about the hay standing outside but it's been no problem, the top is covered and if it gets wet on the outside it saves me having to damp down the dust.
Sticking with my Polly Anna attitude...............The clocks went back, dark nights are here again BUT I now know it's tea time. It gets to 9 - 10pm before I realise I need to be fed in summer.............very bad for my figure.
Have watched a very disturbing video this weekend, having never really liked dressage at top level it always seemed unnatural to me......... canter pirouette's pointless and not nice to watch when bad, not keen on piaffe always looks a strain, so to see the barbaric rollkur used till a horses tongue turns blue makes me feel quite sick.
Note to calender.......................cancel BD subscription
Monday, 19 October 2009
Bob left again today after being home for three days, not feeling too bad this time........He has done an awful lot of work again. I decided that we needed to separate the biggest field into two smaller ones...... so more fencing has been put up and trying to put post into this hard ground was HARD!!! but its all done, Attention Au Chein Stud looks good.
On Sunday I went with Marti to the horse fair in St Yreiex, the reason being I have to find a companion for nookie when Isla goes in about 6 weeks. I had prepared myself for the horrors of a french horse fair wasn't that bad I have seen a lot worse at Appleby Horse Fair in Cumbria where last year a young horse drowned in the River Eden. the worse thing was the small space they are in with no hay and water for some, lots of shetland stallions, youngsters and riding types and some beautiful miniature thingy's which you could have picked up and put in the car. but nothing suitable.
Then today I have been offered Isla on a long term loan Hmmmmmmmm....... not sure about this will have to think about it, she is a big horse and is not safe to ride, she is 14 which is a nice age, but I have a nagging feeling she is not right as a companion for Nookie, she gets upset when we go out for a hack but she has settled here well and it saves me looking for something so it's Decisions.......Decisions...............Decisions
On Sunday I went with Marti to the horse fair in St Yreiex, the reason being I have to find a companion for nookie when Isla goes in about 6 weeks. I had prepared myself for the horrors of a french horse fair wasn't that bad I have seen a lot worse at Appleby Horse Fair in Cumbria where last year a young horse drowned in the River Eden. the worse thing was the small space they are in with no hay and water for some, lots of shetland stallions, youngsters and riding types and some beautiful miniature thingy's which you could have picked up and put in the car. but nothing suitable.
Then today I have been offered Isla on a long term loan Hmmmmmmmm....... not sure about this will have to think about it, she is a big horse and is not safe to ride, she is 14 which is a nice age, but I have a nagging feeling she is not right as a companion for Nookie, she gets upset when we go out for a hack but she has settled here well and it saves me looking for something so it's Decisions.......Decisions...............Decisions
Tuesday, 13 October 2009
ONE WEEK ON...........................
One week on.............Since the horse's arrived and I had my first French lesson.
A lovely cool sunny morning even if it was a bit blustery so I thought lets try a bit of lunging......only at walk mind! it was just to see what they both made of the situation, we went down to the gates and walked up to the cross roads, Isla was not too bad but I will need to go off somewhere when Bob arrives so he can keep an eye on her, Then it was just in the field, Nookie was a star he follows me where ever I go, stands when asked to, no problem about leaving, I will try taking Isla out and see what he makes of it.
Quick change off to French lesson number two, Richard and Sandra turned up new person called Pete...... a Texan and moi. Alan has moved to the morning class and Mimi and Joan were a no show, so our little group is nice. Today we had to ask and reply to questions from each other...... good fun!! "j'ai mal a la tete"
One week on..............and I am really pleased with Mollie the collie she seems to understand she cannot go in the fields with the horses and stays when I have to fill buckets etc.. etc.. if I am doing anything else with them I keep her in the house, I am not brave enough yet to leave her and I panic when I cannot see her...............what a Silly Billy I am.
The weather is on the turn feeling a lot cooler but we still have flies!!!!!! it is forecast to drop to - 1 at night so I think the rugs may have to come out as Nookie has not really put up much of a winter coat yet, he would be like a teddy if we were still in UK.
A lovely cool sunny morning even if it was a bit blustery so I thought lets try a bit of lunging......only at walk mind! it was just to see what they both made of the situation, we went down to the gates and walked up to the cross roads, Isla was not too bad but I will need to go off somewhere when Bob arrives so he can keep an eye on her, Then it was just in the field, Nookie was a star he follows me where ever I go, stands when asked to, no problem about leaving, I will try taking Isla out and see what he makes of it.
Quick change off to French lesson number two, Richard and Sandra turned up new person called Pete...... a Texan and moi. Alan has moved to the morning class and Mimi and Joan were a no show, so our little group is nice. Today we had to ask and reply to questions from each other...... good fun!! "j'ai mal a la tete"
One week on..............and I am really pleased with Mollie the collie she seems to understand she cannot go in the fields with the horses and stays when I have to fill buckets etc.. etc.. if I am doing anything else with them I keep her in the house, I am not brave enough yet to leave her and I panic when I cannot see her...............what a Silly Billy I am.
The weather is on the turn feeling a lot cooler but we still have flies!!!!!! it is forecast to drop to - 1 at night so I think the rugs may have to come out as Nookie has not really put up much of a winter coat yet, he would be like a teddy if we were still in UK.
Monday, 12 October 2009
Saturday, 10 October 2009
welcome to Di who has decided to follow me Why!!!! Its just a load of twaddle.
A wet day today hurrah........ still on the warm side, the horrible flies are still about. I bring the horses in at lunch time till around 7ish they are so chilled in the stables watching the world go by tucking into hay nets, what a life!!!!
A wet day today hurrah........ still on the warm side, the horrible flies are still about. I bring the horses in at lunch time till around 7ish they are so chilled in the stables watching the world go by tucking into hay nets, what a life!!!!
Thursday, 8 October 2009
We have had one hell of a (much needed) thunder storm complete with heavy rain, the horses seemed very happy in their stables.
The reaction nks suffered yesterday has reduced considerable I hope it doesn't flair up again. I have separated them as Isla seems to push him round the field, then he gets nervous if he gets trapped in a corner, nks seems happier on his own as long as she is in the next field, he gets his head down and does what horses do best eat and shit.
The reaction nks suffered yesterday has reduced considerable I hope it doesn't flair up again. I have separated them as Isla seems to push him round the field, then he gets nervous if he gets trapped in a corner, nks seems happier on his own as long as she is in the next field, he gets his head down and does what horses do best eat and shit.
Wednesday, 7 October 2009
Aaaaaaah I hate flies
Vet had to be called today my horse looks like a pin cushion alergic reaction to something
Vet had to be called today my horse looks like a pin cushion alergic reaction to something
Tuesday, 6 October 2009
Arrived at stables for 7.30, loaded them up very quick Isla went straight in Nookie followed they had been in the stallion field for 24hrs together and Isla had asserted her pecking order by kicking the shit out of Nookie........shame but you just have to let them get on with it, he only had lumps and bruises no cuts........... to see them now they are like an old married couple.
They unloaded and calmly walk to the field, I think they were just too tired from the day before. It was another hot day today so the flies were really bad, I introduced them to their shelter/stables and they seemed to appreciate the chill time with a feed and haynet. They were turned out about 8pm.
In between all this I went for my first French lesson, it was hard but met some nice people all of whom moved over to France this year, I think two of the ladies might not come back but they have invited me round for coffee and I found out about an ex-pat group that do a lot of activities. I don't want to get to involved but when you are on you own in a foreign country it's nice to now they are there.
Sunday, 4 October 2009
Well that's everything in place for them arriving Tuesday. I am feeling a bit worried never having my horse at home before, I have always been on yards and I am a bit of a "out of sight out of mind" type of person ...........well they will be in sight so in my mind.
Friday, 2 October 2009
Not enough of it........been really busy these last few days, the majority of which is spent either cutting grass or brambles. I have been making space for my rollo of hay which my Dutch neighbour is kindly delivering for me and letting me have a pallet for it to stand on, I have also got my feed in the garage so all I need now is some horses, which should have arrived on Thursday but with one thing and another they are now due Tuesday.
Farrier called today so that's done, we have been hacking out most mornings and his feet had split a little but Anthony did a good job and they now look great. He is such an easy horse I often wonder when I listen to other peoples problems......which there seems to be a lot of!! with folks who move their horses to France...................... How lucky am I
Farrier called today so that's done, we have been hacking out most mornings and his feet had split a little but Anthony did a good job and they now look great. He is such an easy horse I often wonder when I listen to other peoples problems......which there seems to be a lot of!! with folks who move their horses to France...................... How lucky am I
Tuesday, 29 September 2009
Rode in the arena this morning in the mist very spooky (for me not the horse). started off with walking for 10 mins when I asked for trot he felt rather stiff......a bit like me really, I asked for a canter to loosen him off, after a little buck he shuffled into canter, once around the arena and I could feel him stretch and lengthen and generally seemed to un knot himself, back to trot......felt much better, even when he is fitter cantering him at the beginning of a session really seems to help and it wakes him up and he becomes more focused on what is required.
I think we can get into the rut of fanning about instead of just getting on with it, I am sure they loose the will, while we are being concerned about what might be!!
He has been a stuffy horse all his life but.......... he has never been fed for hard work!!!!!
Monday, 28 September 2009
Well it has been yet another lovely day.......hope it's not going to be a bad winter this weather seems a bit to good to be true.
Up early again and went round the opposite way to yesterday, we had to ride pass the apple pickers and the tractors loading the problem!!! then a tractor came up behind us.....again no problem so all in all a good hack he was a good boy. He did seem a bit footy at first but i kept him on the grass verge and that helped, I will have to get him shod in front if I intend to hack him around at home.
Up early again and went round the opposite way to yesterday, we had to ride pass the apple pickers and the tractors loading the problem!!! then a tractor came up behind us.....again no problem so all in all a good hack he was a good boy. He did seem a bit footy at first but i kept him on the grass verge and that helped, I will have to get him shod in front if I intend to hack him around at home.
Sunday, 27 September 2009
Up at the crack of dawn to go out for a ride before the heat and flies..............what a lovely hack we had, Katie and new horse Suzie in the lead, Debs and new horse Jack, marti and Obryene, plodding along at the back........ me and Nookie, he never put a foot wrong, really enjoyed himself but ready for his breakfast on our return.......bless him!!! out for over an hour.
Another glorious day, pottering about doing little jobs, spoke to my dutch neighbour Risa who will provide me with hay for the neddies.
Another glorious day, pottering about doing little jobs, spoke to my dutch neighbour Risa who will provide me with hay for the neddies.
Friday, 25 September 2009
I really don't like these back to work days......the flight was an early one so i was home by 10.30. All I feel like doing is going back under the duvet but hey hoo that would just waste the day and it has been another beautiful one............ warm and breezy.
The metal abri which took all of Thursday to put up looks good and will hopefully hold all my horsey gear. Lots to do before neddies arrive feeling better already :-)
The metal abri which took all of Thursday to put up looks good and will hopefully hold all my horsey gear. Lots to do before neddies arrive feeling better already :-)
Tuesday, 22 September 2009
Another warm and sunny lucky are we, been a bit of a hectic day, charged off to castorama for a metal abri so i can put all the horsey gear in and free some space up in the garage, on the way ordered some bois for winter........being delivered at 2pm, called round at some friends coffee and chat, got back just in time for the bois, two new horses arrive tonight will call and see them tomorrow getting ready for french neighbours who are calling for drinks which I will need plenty of!!!!!! to get me through the's so hard and frustrating not knowing the lingo but we enjoy waving arms around and they are so friendly
Monday, 21 September 2009
"It is easy to have calmness in inactivity, it is hard to have calmness in activity, but calmness in activity is true calmness."
{Sourced from P. Belasik's book, "Dressage for the 21st Century"}
Beautiful autumn day, sunny and warm......busy getting things ready for the neddies arriving next week. I will be on the lookout for a new companion for nookie as Isla will only be here till the new year,
Poor Bob all his time off seems to be mending things but he does enjoy it!!!!
Saturday, 19 September 2009
Waiting for my husband to arrive from the UK, not seen him for five weeks........its been a long time this stint hope it gets back to his normal three weeks then home, looking forward to the goodies he is bringing with him
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