Monday 2 November 2009


Bob made a nice surprise visit on his way to Toulouse, he parked his truck at chalus and I picked him up Saturday morning, french law does not allow him to drive on Sundays so we had a lovely weekend and for once there was no immediate jobs to do so we just chilled, he had brought some goodies from the UK and we had egg and bacon butties on Warburtons thick toaster bread yummy!!! I don't really crave anything but they were just Soooo good and again on Sunday morning toast with loads of butter.

2nd rollo of hay delivered, moved it to the other side of the stables. Feeding two horses it has lasted me just 31 days and this one seems a bigger 20 euros I don't think that's bad.

Saturday night it started to rain and now its Monday night and it's pouring down, the fields are trashed especially at the front of the stables Hey Hoo another job for Bob.

MOLLY arrived at Bluebell House 1 week after I was conned into having her, John would not take any money, she was a present, he knew we would be moving to France soon and said I need a dog for company..............How right he was.... bless you John.

I was adament she would be an outside dog, we had a brick built shed at the bottom of the garden which made a super kennel, I had bought her the biggest bed with loads of playthings a big fluffy throw and a big teddy so she would be all snug. The first night on her own and she cried for about 30 mins I stayed near the kitchen door listening..........It absolutley pulled at the heartstrings and I was just about to go and rescue her when she stopped and she never cried again.

She seemed totally at home in the kennel and after about three weeks I did'nt need to put paper down, she was very easy to house train and to this day has only ever wee'd 3 times inside. It was July and we had good fun in the garden, she came upto the stables everyday with me travelling in the car was no problem and she soon became my dog .

1 comment:

trudi said...

What a lovely surprise to have him home for the weekend, betterstill that he was bearing gifts!!