Tuesday 22 December 2009

HAD A WOBBLE........

After the lovely snow on Friday.......... I had a bit of a wobble on Sunday. I think it was just one of those days when nothing goes right but when you are unable to get anywhere even a walk down into the village was impossible, not knowing when the snow would clear, Christmas looming the thought that Bob might not get home, the water being frozen, logs getting wet, Molly seemed to be more demanding than normal, filling haynets with freezing hands, mole hills popping up everywhere, tele being crap, I was seriously thinking of............................................
running naked in the snow and screaming feck off.

I had plenty of food for horse, dog and myself, heat, computer, booze, so gave myself a slap..... poured a large vodka and coke got me hot water bottle settled down watched tele and I ate all the Christmas sweeties.

Been shopping today and bought anything I wanted!!!!


Di said...

Good for you, I hope you bought some more christmas sweeties. You better have or there's no turkey for christmas!!!!! Oh, yes and lots of booze too!!

trudi said...

enough food for horse, dog and myself...glad you got your priorities in good order me dear.