Tuesday 15 December 2009

YEE HAW.....

It's happened............I got my arse on my ose and rode. It has been very cold the last few days and very windy but this morning it was calm, still cold but calm, Nookie seemed glad to see his tack and seemed a bit eager he jogged to the wall where I scrambled on board....... off we went to the gates Hmmmm.....I had not opened them so off I got, back up to the wall made it back to the gates, on to the road and away we went, past my dutch neighbours farm had a chat with anja, down the lane which is a bit stony but he coped fine, into the woods had a trot the ground not to hard in the woods then we came across some really rough stones so I got off and we picked our way through, found a big log pheeew scrambled back on again, past the apple farm down a lane that's all grass then back past anja's.......... home, out for about 40 mins. Apart from having a neck like emu and being as nosy as me! he seemed to really enjoy himself.

I enjoyed this morning but I was also so cold when we got back I will be thinking twice about going out tomorrow.


Di said...

Great stuff, about time!!!!! ;-)
Yesssss, go out tomorrow/today, look forward to the report. He's such a good boy, can I have him?

trudi said...

Indeed a good boy. All that clambering on board had me in stitches, ever thought of writing comedy?

Claire said...

thermals required, even in the dordogne... :-)