Arrived at stables for 7.30, loaded them up very quick Isla went straight in Nookie followed they had been in the stallion field for 24hrs together and Isla had asserted her pecking order by kicking the shit out of Nookie........shame but you just have to let them get on with it, he only had lumps and bruises no cuts........... to see them now they are like an old married couple.
They unloaded and calmly walk to the field, I think they were just too tired from the day before. It was another hot day today so the flies were really bad, I introduced them to their shelter/stables and they seemed to appreciate the chill time with a feed and haynet. They were turned out about 8pm.
In between all this I went for my first French lesson, it was hard but met some nice people all of whom moved over to France this year, I think two of the ladies might not come back but they have invited me round for coffee and I found out about an ex-pat group that do a lot of activities. I don't want to get to involved but when you are on you own in a foreign country it's nice to now they are there.
Bev, where do you go for the lessons, I presume they're joint ones.
The lessons are in Jumilhac with a lady called katherine who is French I have heard she is not very structured and they were right, I think thats why it seemed hard. Its just a small group of 6 all newcomers to france this year so we are all in the same boat.
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