Friday 2 April 2010


Week.......Poor Bob never seems to get a rest when he comes home and I think he is glad to go back to work. We moved the stables it was Bobs idea! I did suggest we leave it till next time but we had a calm day on Saturday so we went for it, 1 hour later we had them down 2 hours later they were back up in their new position minus roof that took us another 2 hours. Only time will tell if we have chosen the right place but I am very happy where they are.

Its rained and still raining grass green end of!!!!!

Sister in SA phoned she had bad news..................herself, nephew and mother coming over for most of June, I am really looking forward to it I have not seen my mum for 6yrs so I want to get everything ready for their visit.

The pergola type thingy we want at the back of the house is going ahead and I am going to have some new gates to the fields and one on the drive so there is lots to do but I am getting a man who can in so it takes some pressure off Bob.

Went tree shopping with Di it was great we were like kids in a sweetie shop and we were both so giddy we were hyperventilating after 3 hrs we had crammed in the back of her 4 x 4 an assortment of trees and shrubs that all need planting now (pictures to follow).

1 comment:

Di said...

Yes it was great, we've planted ours, hehe, no pics though the weather was awful.