Monday 5 April 2010


It was a lovely day today sunshine, blue skies, fluffy white clouds, not a breath of into the garden planting to be done, deciding where to put everything was the hardest and I tend to flit from one job to another so I left them all in place and went to swap the hay from the more sheltered stable into the other, decided to keep Nookie in the one field to give the other two a rest and hope with this nice weather they will grow a bit so that meant putting the fencing back and moving water buckets which in turn meant I had to put two hoses together to reach the far field, at this point I noticed Nookie could do with a good groom......found a tick Aaaaagh squished the little bastard......back to planting got 5 in then managed to get a second load of washing on the line went poo picking the fields, dug another hole, brought washing in, did a chicken curry (jar) need to use them up, sat down about 8ish for Emmerdale.....seized up Its the sunshine that does it!!


Di said...

Hehe, I'm not surprised you're aching!!! Sound like a very productive day....

Scott said...

Beverly you dont need to go through all this trouble just because im coming......

trudi said...

woo, you're wearing me out Bev! Fab to have the sun back though isn't it.