Saturday 17 April 2010

BOO HOO........

Volcanic ash is stopping my husband from leaving the UK..... POO, his flight on Monday has been cancelled so I really don't know when to expect him home its such a shame. I hope it will be soon as we are now having some lovely sunshine, he managed to get here through all the snow we had this winter and now its a bloody volcano what next???

Yesterday and today have brought the dreaded flies alive and I am watching how Nookie is reacting He has had his mask on and up to now he seems quite unfazed, he has been bitten on his sheath but is not distressed I think its time to change his routine and let him graze all fields at night and then restrict him to the one field with his shelter in during the day he has been in most of the late afternoon and just has his little daft head poking out. Even Molly has been sunbathing her ball by her side just in case.

1 comment:

trudi said...

Oh pants Bev, sorry about Bob. MIL was due to arrive tomorrow, she's rebooked on Tuesday but we not too hopeful. Hope Bob gets back soon.