Wednesday 21 April 2010

Non ma leçon d'habitude française.......

No French lessons for two weeks.......or so I thought..... today my French neighbour Mary Jane called round and I tried my hardest to talk french we discussed the beautiful weather, the wedding invitation, Bob not getting home, gardens, veggie plot, horse, and then I took her across the road to the new English neighbours and we all babbled on, it was good fun. I think I will go round more to see them and just try and do 10 mins french with never know!!

Thought I would put another verb table down:

aller = to go

Je vais.............................I go
tu go
il/elle/on va....................he/she/one/it goes
nous allons.......................we go
vous go(pl & f)
ils/elles vont....................they go

Bob is no nearer getting home he is busy in Holland now and is not sure when he will be back in the UK so its just a case of wait and see:-(

Had a nice morning with Nookie just before the flies, gave him a good brush and his summer coat is nearly all through so he is looking quite shinny. I allow him into the other field at about 6ish and tonight he was having a real buck and squeal he has done it a few nights now, galloping from one field to the other interspersed with bucks leaps and neck twisting then just settles down to graze I hope its a sign that he is feeling OK?

1 comment:

Di said...

I hope Bob gets there soon Bev. If you want a day out or trip to the garden centre let me know!!!x