Monday 22 March 2010


Best programme on the tele, everything they discuss applies to me!! "one shouldn't go on children's trampolines if one has a weak pelvic floor" or if there is paparazzi taking photos from a know who you are ;-)

Lovely day today warm and sunny I managed to get the rest of my laurels planted and a dwarf lilac that took me an hour to get out of the glazed pot it has lived in for the past 5 years without breaking it.

Gave Nookie a good groom he has shed a lot of his winter coat and he really needs a good wash down, I have a new bottle of tea tree shampoo that I bought from the tack sale yesterday for 1 euro I love a bargain......... maybe when it gets warmer.

1 comment:

trudi said...

LOL Bev, I watched the grumpies and thought the same..omg it's me!!