Sunday 7 March 2010


Has been resumed........until the next catastrophe. This week has flown by after the hurricane, it has a name but I have forgotten it, friends and neighbours called round to see if they could help, it only took a tow rope and trusty old pick up to pull the stables back into place and after inspection there is no damage only a bit of twisting of the roof so as soon as we can they will be dismantled and re erected in their new place and a bit of concrete to hold them down!

Poor Di and Jim galloped over to my rescue just moments after we had done the deed I know Di hates the journey over to mine and I probably wasted their day but I really needed friends around........... as always when time passes I realise what a wuss I have been and need to just get on with it.

Bob had a 24hrs at home on his way back from Toulouse to Paris which was great he managed to get to Tesco and bring me a load of crap to cheer me up!! He is not keen for me to send Nookie away and came up with lots of plans Hmmmmmmmm.

Spent the last two days fixing electric fence in front of the small amount of barbed wire that I had and if I say so myself looks very good.

1 comment:

Di said...

Oh Bev I'm sorry :-(, I was a bit tired when we came over, sorry if I seemed to be grumpy!! It was good to see that the stables were back where they should be and not damaged. If you're feeling the slightest bit fed up, I'd be over in a flash, no worries - just call me Gordon! XX