Thursday 28 January 2010

TINKER MAN........

As I predicted Bob did what all men seem to do best......Tinker..... mess with..... repair what's not broke or in Bobs case broke what was working. Normally I don't mind Bob and his tinkering, it keeps him occupied but Monday morning we needed the pickup for a couple of jobs......important saving collect 2 rollos of hay and my supply of English horse feed. I was rushing around multitasking listening to the gentle purring of our pickup, Bob with his head under the bonnet when it stopped!!!! a puzzled face appeared declaring that it was broke, he didn't know what was wrong, I asked the question "it was working 5 Min's ago and why oh why did you start tinkering with it before instead of after we had done our jobs"?? ROW!!!

We never row for long life is to short and we just carry on and laugh about it........until the next time.

Wednesday........lovely sunny day but soooooooo cold, Bob the tinker man went back to the UK and after I dropped him off at the airport I went shopping to stock up before the snow that's been forecast, bumped into Sandra from french class and went to her house for coffee, we don't get chance to chat at lessons so it was good to get to know her better, off to Debs and another coffee what a socialite I am.

Thursday........ How can the weather change so drastically in 24hrs. I was due at the airport to pick Richard and Lisa up, when I awoke a sprinkling of snow had fallen not too bad I thought until I went outside and everywhere was like an ice rink then confirmation from Vicky that the roads were treacherous I decided I was not going, Luckily for me the flight was diverted and all flights out of Limoges were cancelled the whole day has been a freezing foggy day, Richard and Lisa got to their house at 4pm not happy bunnies.


Di said...

Wow, how snazzy is that! Love your new background! Poor Bob!!! ;-)

trudi said...

Now I don't feel so bad for keeping Lydia off school, it was horrid wasn't it.

Love the new *look* but I've got a weird sensation from the bright lines...hehe off to sit in the dark.

Claire said...

boys and toys! i take it he mended it again :-)

that weather is heading this way, i rather think - 0 degrees this evening coming home and getting colder..