Tuesday 2 February 2010


I often get asked by people in the UK and here in France "what do you do all day"? I don't know why but I am busier here than I ever was in the UK apart from when I worked full time.

Today I quickly fed Nookie put two haynets up one outside for alfresco eating one in his shelter, went to get my hair done, as I was sat with foils in my hair having a coffee and trying on some very trendy boots I realised it was nearly 1pm off I shot to french lesson arriving 20mins late Chris whom I give a lift to had walked down to class, luckily for me the first part of the lesson had been très difficile by 3.30 I was having a cuppa at Vicky's arriving home by 4pm, molly wanted all my attention with the tennis racket for 20mins then it was clean and fill all the water buckets, fill hay nets, do feeds, attack the molehills, Nookies rug, gave him a quick groom, more ball throwing, walk around the fields, by the time I got in fed Molly and started to put tea on It was 6.30 I really don't know how people with a family cope, how do they fit everything in and what do they do all day?


trudi said...

We don't fit it all in Bev, least not as much socialising as you hehehe!!

My day so far...
6.30 do hay/water
7.00 get up child
7.30 eat brekkie, do bit of cleaning
8.30 pack child off to riding, then turn out, muck out, hay water blah blah
11.00 go to pick up child, freeze while she takes forever to untack and brush off
12.45 make and eat lunch
1.30 beat child so she does homework, help with homework, help OH with moving stuff
2.30 log on blogger to find out what Bev's doing!!

Di said...

Too much socialising!!! Get your a**e over to my blog and leave me some advice on trailer training!!!

Claire said...

busy bees all of us...

if f/t work stops, it's amazing how the days can be filled with all the stuff one didn't have time fore before...