Tuesday 9 February 2010

Je ne suis pas à ma leçon de français d'aujourd'hui

I did go to my lesson today, the exercise was to turn a positive sentence into a negative one by using ne..... pas either side of the verb. I am going to put segments of my lesson on my blog one reason being I look at my blog more than my french homework file and typing it all out might help or peut-etre pas.

Je prends mon echarpe
Je ne prends pas mon echarpe

Ils ont beaucoup de chance
Ils n'ont pas beaucoup de chance......n' when the verb starts with a vowel

ce (m)
cette (f)
ces (p)

We played a French version of countdown.....it made my head really hurt but it was good fun and I annoyed everyone by doing the clock tee hee.

It was very cold today with a sprinkling of snow it has been forecast so I must do some shopping tomorrow. I changed Nookie's rugs and let him have a couple of hours in the front paddock.


Di said...

Très bon mon ami. :-)

trudi said...

bon travail Bev, pas trop mal pour une debutante.

Sonnez pas la cloche...may come in handy at Blazing Saddles meetings ;-)