Today is our first year anniversary of our new life in France....... It is extremely cold with a north wind rattling the shutters, snow gently fluttering down and the sun peeping through the clouds, the fire is roaring, molly is curled up in her bed fast asleep so I have been thinking about our first year in France.
My first thought is...... I really don't know where the year has gone it has happened at lightening speed. I remember leaving a cold and snowy Cumbria and arriving to a cold but blue sky and sunny Bellecroix, rushing over to Debs to check on Nookie's arrival and seeing him calmly tucking into hay after having a trouble free trip and looking none the worse for his adventure, unpacking and fitting everything in to our tiny little holiday home, we had to downsize considerably but we still seemed to have brought too much, it took me two weeks to squash everything in. I remember Molly absolutely loved it and ran in that mad puppy way all around the fields and house. The first few months were so exciting, before I knew it spring had arrived, spring is my favorite season.
My eldest sister came out from SA in early June it was great to see her and hope she comes back for another visit, no sooner had she left it was the turn of sister and brother in law also from SA for Tour de France the weather was idyllic and a great time was had and so much easier than I expected;-)
I decked the house out with lots of flowers this first year and had a small but productive veggie patch, little tomatoes french green beans, and peppers, I need to plan for this year where my veggie plot is going. Nearly the end of summer and I was looking forward to Nookie coming home, he arrived and although it didn't work out with Isla he seems none the worse for being on his own. Looking after Nookie with very basic facility's has made me question do I really want a horse at this moment in time I am sure my question will be answered and I am in no rush. Winter arrived and it has been very hard lots of snow more than I have ever seen, the first snow brought on a bit of a wobble but I soon got over it and now into our fourth lot of snow I am coping so much better. Another hard thing has been taking Bob back to the airport after his visits home, it so different to him just hopping into his wagon and saying see you later but I guess that's just the price you have to pay for living overseas.
I have started french lessons in this first year and although I am finding it very hard....I think I am just to old.... I am determined to stick at it even if I stay in beginners class for ever!!
I have enjoyed making new friends and have met more people in this first year then I ever expected.....Debs & Chris.....Marty & Patrice...Katy....Vicky & Chris....Anja & Risa.....Cindy & Victor....Trudi....Ivan & Val......Dreen & Brian.....Mick & Ann.....Sandra & Richard..... I will check back in another year and see who's been crossed off the list tee hee. Di & Jim don't count I knew them in the UK lol
All in all I think I have had an extremely good first year and I hope many more to come I want to do a lot more with the garden area, we would like to put up a pergola at the back, tile the front and back patios , re vamp the bathroom Pheeew another year gone..... it will be interesting to look back at this blog entry.