I seemed to be playing catch up on my blog I have been to busy to put fingers on keys and the whole point of a blog for me is to record our new life in France.
I had a surprise visit from Linda last week......I did know she was coming it was arranged very quick. What a lovely time we had. It has been 6yrs since I worked for Linda in a small grotty shop in the centre of Rochdale this is the same Rochdale that tops the lists for the most unemployed....drug takers....benefit cheats...and immigrants living there, it's better features are a magnificent Hotel de ville....Gracie Fields....Cyril Smith........I am sure there must be more!!
We had our own brand of customer service and if she had installed a web cam she would of been a millionaire. I had the best five years of employment even though it didn't seem like it at the time.
We have talked and reminisced, visited all the usual places, been swimming, walking, car boots, pretty villages, eating out, and a little agricultural show.
Rural France is the other side of the coin to Thailand were Linda spends three months of the year....We have sat to the early hours with tales of the den of inequity that is Walking street. I hope she enjoyed her time here and the fact that she couldn't get to grips with "were is everybody" didn't freak her out to much LOL.