Friday 7 May 2010


Is what it was.......Dr Venetz came this morning and found in his words a very big abscess in Nookies foot, he had been getting worse not better and he was showing all the signs of it being an abscess, so its now draining and he has had a tetanus and antibiotic jab plus he is on bute for a couple of days, the only rather worrying thing is I have to give him a jab in his neck on Monday I have done this in his bottom before but never in the neck not looking forward to that. I went to the vets yesterday and asked for him to come out and have a look and I was really surprised at myself I manage to get the receptionist to understand and I also understood she was prepared to give me the antibiotic jab there and then to administer but I was pulling my face, she laughed and we left it.

I remember Pip had an abscess and you would of thought he had broke a leg the way he acted but Nookie other than going progressively lame has been grazing and wandering round, but showed the pain he must of been in when the vet was digging his hoof.


Di said...

Glad you got to the bottom of it, hopefully he'll be fine now.

trudi said...

oh poor boy but glad it was only an abscess, it's always a relief when you can find the source of lameness and Doc V is brill at doing them, even Moralejo (who reacted like Pip) let him find his and dig it out. I'm sure you'll be fine but just shout if you need moral support for the neck jab.

Claire said...

poultice to draw it, held on with disposable nappy and vetwrap...soon be sorted.