Wednesday, 5 January 2011

NEW YEAR 2011........

Happy New Year............Never really been into New Year I get a bit maudling about it. We sat and watched grumpy old Men/Women and they said it all really.... Its all over now so we can get on with plans for spring my favorite season.

Came back from Ikea minus the wardrobe all the measuring for length and would it fit into the car length ways had all been in vain because the width of the sliding doors had not been taken into account!!! SO what to do with the money??  New kitchen table with chairs....2 lots of bedding.....2 new bedroom lamps....candles.....cuddly toy? I was not going all that way to come back with nothing.

Di and Jim came over on Monday and it was lovely to see them Bob was especially pleased as boffin Di got him up and running on his macbook. He returned home on Tuesday and that night I had a skype conversation with him in his truck.............2011 we live in France with a plane as our bus service talking to one another via a screen     WHO'D OF THOUGHT!


Claire said...

i get lost when i look at a Mac, i have to say..... keep thinking about skype though...

Di said...

It was great to see you both! Love the macbook, I'm tempted to get one myself. LOL