Saturday, 29 January 2011


Bob's little cotton socks......Relatives left on Friday.....two days slobbing.....then back to the airport for Bob.  The flight was about 1hr late, he had phoned me from Stanstead to let me know they were still sat on the runway, he finally arrived swearing and mumbling, so when I noticed him struggling to get in the car thought no more of it.....Just being his usual grumpy self!

We arrived home and out of his bag came an Xbox he had bought it at the airport in the early hours, unable to get the box in his bag they unpacked it all and he then managed to get it in...... in went the start up disc and the keep fit disc...... out came his stuff and the two discs..... back went the box and stuff but did he put the discs back in!!!! Left in the shop.  So a grumpy Bob became very grumpy. Bless!!

Di and Jim to the rescue, it was Jim's birthday so they came over for lunch and brought with them a start up disc calibrated it all and got us going........everyone should have a Di and Jim.

Thursday we went to the Chinese in St Yreix with Ivan and Val had a really good meal and tonight we are going to the Casino night in Jumilhac .......paper money, cheese and wine???

1 comment:

Claire said...

oh dear .. i can hear the sotto voce swearing from here, LOL