Friday 9 July 2010

200 BALES OF HAY.........

collected was sooooo hot we started at 11.00 and I finally crawled into the house at 8.30 KNACKERED had a long shower then sat down for supper about 10ish we managed to get 100 bales into one stable and another 50 in one of the garages and the rest is stored at viale. I was throwing the last bales in just as the havens opened.

Well that's a big job done, it's such a good feeling having hay for another year!!!


English Rider said...

Memories of scratched arms and legs burning in the shower after unloading hay and straw deliveries into the hayloft. Ouch!

bellecroix said...

Not to mention the fly bites,the aching limbs, sore hands....what bizzare things us horsey folk put ourselves though LOL!