Wednesday, 16 March 2011


Is bursting out all over.......I have not blogged for a couple of weeks and in that time spring seems to have really sprung.  Bob has been and gone, we had 5 lovely days pottering about and got much done that was not on my "to do" list, we had a trip to the family village AGAIN! went out for a meal to celebrate Val & Ivans wedding anniversary, creosoted the gates AGAIN! and power washed everything AGAIN!

I replied to an advert for 2 Shetlands and because I keep getting no response to adverts I enquire about I was very brief...where are you? I can offer you 600euros (they wanted 850) within the hour a reply with the location and "wanted more but would think about it" by the end of the day accepted my offer.....but they were 2hrs away so no deal! I now know how to reply to adverts.

Dirty Girl

Helping to power wash


trudi said...

Hasn't it been lovely to see everything springing back to life.
Shame about the pones, I'm sure there's two with your name on somewhere.

bellecroix said...

Watch this Space tee hee ;-)

trudi said...

ooooooo, exciting then?????