Wednesday, 23 March 2011


Has struck again!!.....After letting the ponies go Di got in touch and offered to take me with the trailer to collect them (She will not be doing that again) A quick phone call to see if they were still available we arranged to collect them Sunday. All day Saturday was spent re-doing the fencing just changing the height of the wire, filling water buckets ready for their arrival.

Off we went on Sunday only to break down on the freeway BIG THUD but didn't seem to be the engine. Di sprung into action and before we knew it the car was on the back of a truck, trailer hitched to the back, a short wait at the recovery dept then on our way back home at alarming speed in a taxi with trailer behind. Di was a star and I would have been hopeless in that situation.  Once home a quick phone call to the pony owner who was not pleased at waiting in all day I let them go for a second time......I had not seen them so I bet they had 3 legs and no head!

Four puddings & a Birthday

New friends

This cake was SOOOOO good

My Magnolia looking it's best
The weather is glorious and on Tuesday I had been invited to my neighbours across the road for Vic's 70th Birthday lunch OH MY what a lunch!! It was a greedy persons heaven and I could have a drink and stagger home,Cindy had done so much food and four puddings, met some nice people and after much chat wine and food we got talking about FB .......I now have three new neighbours on FV Sooooo funny its like a OAP's guilty pleasure.

R and L over for a few days getting their place ready for visitors in April another chomping session...called at the Fiddlers but they were celebrating St Pats day so nothing available, on their recommendation  went to a new restaurant L'auberge St George in St Jory de chalais owned by an English girl and her French boyfriend, after discussing what we would have to eat she asked ( because of our Lancashire accents ) "where are you from"..... "Bolton" replied R and where did she come from........ROCHDALE!! its a small world

Wednesday, 16 March 2011


Is bursting out all over.......I have not blogged for a couple of weeks and in that time spring seems to have really sprung.  Bob has been and gone, we had 5 lovely days pottering about and got much done that was not on my "to do" list, we had a trip to the family village AGAIN! went out for a meal to celebrate Val & Ivans wedding anniversary, creosoted the gates AGAIN! and power washed everything AGAIN!

I replied to an advert for 2 Shetlands and because I keep getting no response to adverts I enquire about I was very brief...where are you? I can offer you 600euros (they wanted 850) within the hour a reply with the location and "wanted more but would think about it" by the end of the day accepted my offer.....but they were 2hrs away so no deal! I now know how to reply to adverts.

Dirty Girl

Helping to power wash